Jürgen Fleiß
Researcher at the Business Analytics and Data Science-Center at the Unviersity of Graz

University of Graz
Universitätsstraße 15/G3
8044 Graz, Austria
I am a Senior Lecturer at the Business Analytics and Data Science Center (Bandas-Center) at the University of Graz. I work on the use of explainable artificial intelligence in HR and other business fields, with a focus on bias (reduction) and acceptance of algorithms. My work on biased decisions extends to basic research on how group identity influences behavior in competitive settings. Most recently, I employ data-driven methods in behavioral screens to detect anti-trust violations.
I also, together with Armin Haberl, develop and maintain the software package aTrain, an easy-to-use machine learning based offline tool for easy transcription of audio data. aTrain is used at and recommended by research institutions all over the world.
selected publications
- Take the aTrain. Introducing an interface for the Accessible Transcription of InterviewsJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2024
- Detecting resale price maintenance for competition law purposes: Proof-of-concept study using web scraped dataComputer Law & Security Review, 2023
- The application of AI in digital HRM–an experiment on human decision-making in personnel selectionBusiness Process Management Journal, 2024